Programa nuclear de iran pdf

Ari522015antonzunzuneguivigilancialimitesprogramanucleariranjcpoa. Iran s nuclear program was launched in the 1950s with the help of the united states as part of the atoms for peace program. In 1970, iran ratified the nonproliferation treaty npt, making its nuclear program subject to the iaeas verification. This report provides a brief overview of iran s nuclear program and describes the legal basis for the actions taken by the iaea board and the security council. Proliferacion nuclear, iran, armamento nuclear, misil balistico intercontinental.

Iran s nuclear program began in the 1950s under the shah. Status congressional research service summary iran s nuclear program began during the 1950s. The present paper aims to analyse the motivations of the. The nuclear program of iran has included several research sites, two uranium mines, a research reactor, and uranium processing facilities that include three known uranium enrichment plants.

The united states has expressed concern since the mid1970s that tehran might develop nuclear weapons. The participation of the united states and western european governments in iran s nuclear program continued until the 1979 iranian revolution that toppled the last shah of iran. An open letter to the leaders of the islamic republic of iran. For more detailed information about irans nuclear program, see crs report rl34544, irans nuclear program.